Fatal Attraction

The Real Fatal Attraction

A Documentary and factual Documentary and factual Drama by John Holsworth. In 2013 Birmingham barrister Iqbal Mohammed and fellow lawyer Anisah Ahmed.


SNP abandons juryless trials

Scotland juryless trial a thing of the past? The Scottish government’s proposed pilot of juryless trials has been abandoned following.

Howard League

Howard League – support

Changes that show your support makes a difference. The sentencing review was announced on the same day that more than.


Mental Health

Mental health of the vulnerable – not forgetting adults facing false allegations. Children in most need of specialist mental health.



Reforms to IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection). Campaigners press Labour for IPP reform.  Campaigners have published an open letter calling.

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice reprimanded. The Ministry of Justice has been reprimanded by the Whitehall statistics watchdog for publishing misleading information.

No More Deaths

No more deaths

No More Deaths at the hands of the State The general election is only a week away. As candidates come.

Legal Aid

Legal Aid

Legal Aid – Law Society High Court Victory: Government must rethink criminal legal aid funding The High Court has ruled.

Jeremy Bamber

Jeremy Bamber Campaign

Criminal Cases Review Commission offices demonstation On Friday, 10 May the Jeremy Bamber Campaign, called on all affected organisations of.

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